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Customer Case: Planday

How Planday found a “life-changing” setup for the whole organisation in Pleo

The Challenge

Before Pleo, Planday had a traditional setup, with company credit cards reserved only for the management and other employees expenses being reimbursed, which caused the following issues:

  • Company card sharing:

    Cards would get shared around the office when bigger purchases were done. Finance department then had trouble finding out who spent what, because people didn’t remember who they borrowed out the card to.

  • No visibility into spending:

    As they got an invoice from the previous company credit card supplier only at the end of the month, they had no real visibility into how much they are spending.

  • Chasing receipts:

    Kasper and his team had trouble gathering the missing receipts and matching them with the right transaction.

The Solution

Planday uses Pleo to handle two things, that are traditionally separated: company cards management and employee expenses. They started rolling out Pleo end of 2016 and since have expanded it to their offices in other countries. They see Pleo as a “life-changing” solution both for the finance department and all their other employees using it.

The Result

There are 3 main benefits that Pleo provides to Planday:

  • Pleo cards for more employees:

    Everyone that needs to do any company related purchases gets a Pleo virtual card and everyone who is travelling gets a plastic card, which makes their job easier.

  • Real-time transactions overview:

    As every purchase is added in real-time to Pleo, Planday can follow purchases much more closely and stay on top of their spending.

  • Better spending insights:

    Using Projects and Customers feature, Kasper and his team can see quite precisely how much they are spending between different events and other projects directly in Pleo.

What Pleo provided

Quick onboarding

Get set up with Pleo in a matter of minutes.

Payment cards for employees

Virtual and plastic Pleo cards to buy anything needed for work.

Spending limits and rights

Custom rights and limitations for each employee on the team.

Receipt matching

Categorised and matched their receipts as the purchase happened. 

Real-time dashboard

Stay on top of all company spending in real-time.

Accounting integrations

Avoid repetitive procedures, connect Pleo with your accounting software.

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